Monday, September 23, 2024

Blog Post 7: Age of AI

 Artificial Intelligence has grown rapidly in the last few years. Although it has its benefits I feel like it does frighten some people with how "smart" it is. I feel as though AI has just as many negatives it does positives. In the video they talked about self driving cars which sounded like a disaster waiting to happen. There was a scientist that said he had "no doubt of the inevitability of autonomous vehicles." I cannot imagine driving on the road and I look over and I see a self driving truck. It could malfunction at any moment because nothing is absolutely flawless. If that happens I do not think I would want to ever be on the road because there is too much room for error. 

AI has its bad sides but what they researched and found out about how it can help detect breast cancer is extraordinary. AI is said to "change the face of breast cancer." As of now 40,000 in the United States alone die from breast cancer. We think about breast cancer as something that cannot be stopped. But in reality if you catch it early enough you can stop it and go into recession and live a long healthy life. A patient had her scans brought to researchers and they think that they could have identified the breast cancer as early as two years before she was officially diagnosed. That is an incredible improvement that could help millions of people around the world. The new AI technology can help predict what surgeries they need instead of putting them through unnecessary procedures and putting even more stress on their bodies. They use the technology to determine if the have cancer now or if they will in five years. Its incredible to think that technology can do all of this and how fast its growing. 

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