Thursday, September 5, 2024

Blog 3: Eight Values of Free Expression

Promote Innovation

"A community in which free speech is valued and protected is likely to be a more energized, creative, interesting society as its citizens actively fulfill themselves in many diverse and interesting ways." I feel that promoting innovation resonates most with me the most for many different reasons. How people express themselves is what makes everyone different from one another. If everyone was the same there would be no creativity in the world and we would struggle greatly. There would be no pushing each other to be better and no innovation. Healthy competition is an incredible source of creativity. People want to be the best so it forces them to step outside their comfort zone and explore their full potential. When challenged people develop new skills that they can continue to use in the future. Everything we have built in our society is a result of multiple great minds coming together and testing each other. Everything we see like skyscrapers, schools and technology to name a few would not have been possible without multiple different minds coming together. Everyone has something different to offer, even if they do not think they do, everyone is unique and can bring something new to the table. People need to express themselves so that they feel heard, sometimes all people want is someone that will listen.


Protect Dissent

I believe that this freedom is extremely important in our society. I feel that you should be allowed to express your opinion without fear of being thrown in jail. If I do not the same view as one of our leaders and I want to express that opinion I should be able to, in an appropriate manner of course. If I were to start a violent riot, that would be a different story. If I wanted to share my thoughts on social media like millions of other people do I feel like that is a good outlet for creativity. It forces people to see more than just their point of view. It also makes you think from a different perspective. Maybe you grew up with one point of view and started actually researching about the topic and realized you do not even agree, it has just been what your family agreed upon and has been forced on you this whole time. Since you are surrounded by these beliefs when you are a kid, you often embrace what your family or society teaches without questioning it. But as you get older and experience more in life, you begin to question everything around you. When you see that the ideas you were taught with don't match your values, experiences, or abilities, you could start to question the ones you were raised with. The process of becoming your own independent person is a normal aspect of growing up. You begin to believe things not just because you've been taught to, but also because you've given them careful thought, considered many viewpoints, and finally decided on what feels right for you. It's a necessary step in developing your own and distinct identity.

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